Advertise with Us | 9jaBrief

Advertise With Us

Our Guide

Thank you!, for choosing to advertise with 9jaBrief!

9jabrief runs a Targeted Ad Platform with which any registered advertiser can place adverts on the section/category of 9jabrief where the people he/she wants to reach are most likely to be found (for example, a political party could place ads on the politics section).

Adverts on 9jabrief come in two forms


The Sponsored Posts

These are like normal news articles, that consists of a news title, a news body (the message) of not more than 120 words, a picture ( maximum size: 100kB) and a link to a website, blog, forum etc where more information on the news article can be obtained. The sponsored posts for every section/category in 9jabrief are displayed first.

Sponsored posts are a means of giving prominence and expanding the readership of a news article or piece of information. Sponsored posts must not be a solicitation to buy or patronize a product or service. It must be a news article relevant to the section or category it is intended for. Sponsored posts are marked “sponsored”.


The Normal Adverts

The normal advert which consists of an Ad Banner designed by a graphics designer and a link to a landing page, website, blog, forum, etc where more information about the product or service being advertised can be obtained. The banner will be displayed on the section/category chosen.

The normal adverts are shuffled and displayed after a specific number of news articles. The 9jabrief user will continue to come across different adverts as he scrolls up news articles in a category.

Please note, Your ad banner must be borderless, and have a Height of 106 pixels, Width of 318 pixels and less than 50kb in size, and in the PNG or JPG format.

In 9jabrief,
  • -- We do not accept adverts that are deceptive, illegal or morally questionable.
  • -- We do not accept Ads for HYIPs and most MLMS because they are unsustainable.
  • -- We do not Ads for Health remedies not verified by NAFDAC. We do not accept animated ads because they are distracting.
  • -- If your ads are attractive and well targeted people will notice them without animation.

Want to place an Advert?

To proceed with placing your advert, you need to register on 9jabrief as an advertiser. If you have not done so please Click Here to register.

If already a registered advertiser on 9jabrief, please Click Here to proceed with your advert placement.

If you have already registered as a customer or a client and you wish to upgrade your account as an advertiser so you can start advertisement, Click Here