Sygen-ORX Biosciences, healthcare innovation promises access to life-saving treatments

Sygen-ORX Biosciences, healthcare innovation promises access to life-saving treatments

Tribuneonlineng | 22-08-2024 02:06pm |

Tribune OnlineSygen-ORX Biosciences, healthcare innovation promises access to life-saving treatmentsSYGEN Pharmaceuticals and ORx Pharmaceuticals (Canada) have formed a new joint venture, Sygen-ORX Biosciences, with the intention of addressing local health needs by leveraging on innovation adapted to our environment. The joint venture development, with academia, the private sector, and the government on board, intends to address local health needs by creating medicines based on [...]Sygen-ORX Biosciences, healthcare innovation promises access to life-saving treatmentsTribune Online

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